Our 4 Step Approach

1) Operational Analysis

The Operational Analysis phase helps us to better understand your project initiatives and desired system.

The analysis and selection of your desired system is a multifaceted process as there may be various project objectives and goals you wish to achieve. The Operational Analysis phase consist of two aspects. First, we conduct a site evaluation to define project criteria and establish timetables. Next a decomposition of your current system into its components, and last a network analysis. With these assessments we can help you to:

1. Avoid project oversights
2. Reduce cost and improve quality of service
3. Identify operational deficiencies before they become disruptions
4. Quantify specific improvements to reduce risk
5. Provide meaningful metrics to increase operations reliability

If you’re an always on business and want to achieve Real-Time integrated visibility contact us today for your FREE Operational Analysis. We love to answer your questions.

2) Design and Development

Transform concept proposals into a complete detailed systems design and create a scope of work on how to deliver the desired functionality.

Design and Development

The Design and Development phase bridges the gap between a conceptual model to a high quality functional system. It’s a systematic process which encompasses several project based operations such as:

  • Project Management
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Systems Engineering
  • Deployment and Service Delivery

The end product of this phase is a long term viable system that allows for growth and scalability. Let’s design and develop the system of your dreams.

3) Installation and Implementation

This phase of the project is when the current system is replaced by the new and the final physical design specifications is turned into a working reliable system and brought online.


Physical installation is the conversion from the old system to the new. It involves:

  • Structured cabling
  • Hardware installation
  • Software installation
  • Systems Testing

It focuses on the new systems hardware architecture and coordination of its installation.


Implementation is the process of ensuring that the new system is operational. It can involve constructing a new system from scratch or constructing it from an existing system. Depending on the size and complexity of the old, there are 4 conversion methods that can be applied to meet your specific needs:

Direct: The new system completely replaces the entire old system in one step

Parallel: The old and new system are ran simultaneously over a period, until management decides which one is more efficient.

Phased: Introduces the new system in smaller sections, if it works properly, other components are introduced until the entire system is operational.

Pilot Approach: Introduces the new system in one part of the business. Once the new system operates smoothly, implementation goes company wide. Supports Phased.

The Implementation phase focuses on applications development and desired functionality. It also includes adequate training to selected users and most importantly, handing off your New System in its entirety. This includes hardware, software and the complete commissioning of operations.

4) Ongoing Support

Once the system is placed in operation, our role transitions into systems support.

System Support

Systems support does not consist of phases so much as it does ongoing activity. After implementation, the system is placed into operation mode. Maintenance activities is a critical component because it can determine the economic life of the system. System support provides ongoing technical assistance for selected users, as well as maintaining performance.  Support activities include:

  • Conduct Post-conversion evaluations
  • Provide comprehensive training
  • Proactive monitoring of servers
  • Perform backup and system updates etc.
  • Preventive maintenance on system security components

Our goal is to ensure that your investment continues to be maintained so you keep your competitive edge and increase efficiency. Learn more about our SecureCare Plus offerings…